Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta, Georgia

On our website you will find full information about Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta at 2458 Windsor Spring Road

Based on 2 reviews

Liquor stores in Augusta

Contacts of Fulcher's Package Shop

ZIP 30906

Locality Augusta

Address 2458 Windsor Spring Road

Phone +1 706-790-5440

Update information

The location map and directions to Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 33.3971420, longitude -82.0553890. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [33.3971420,-82.0553890] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Fulcher's Package Shop

I had never been to this shop before until tonight; because I never knew about it. However; I will definitely be using them more often. I have been searching for a specific kind of drink for a few weeks now; and I haven’t been able to find it. I used google’s search engine to call around to different shops, and ask if they had what I needed. Fulcher’s Package Shop was the only place in my area who had what I needed, and not only had what I needed; but their prices seem to be a bit lower then the other shops in the area. Their employees were more then willing to help you find anything you needed. The energy coming from both employees, and the customers exceeded my expectations. The only negative thing I can say about this place is the fact that the shop is so small. On busy nights like tonight it is hard to find parking space, and move your way around the shop. However; even when they are pretty busy they seem to get everyone through the check out lines at a reasonable speed.
March 30, 2022 3:06 PM, Jannie Shields
Family owned
November 22, 2021 11:50 AM, Eveline Nitzsche

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All reviews about Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Fulcher's Package Shop will be useful for you! At the moment, 2 reviews have been left about Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta and the average rating on reviews is 4.0 out of 5

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Information about Fulcher's Package Shop

Added at September 24, 2022
5:32 AM
Updated at September 24, 2022
5:32 AM
Users rating 1 11
Count reviews 2
Reviews mark
★ ★ ★ ★ ⭒
Latitude 33.3971420
Longitude -82.0553890

1 The Fulcher's Package Shop user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Fulcher's Package Shop in Augusta

Fulcher's Package Shop company is located in Augusta, at the address: 30906, 2458 Windsor Spring Road.

You can always call Fulcher's Package Shop and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 706-790-5440.

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